On-Board Video Help

GrayWolf Videos

Be sure your speakers are on as the videos include audio/voice.
DSII Smart Sensor Insertion video

Smart Sensor Insertion Into a DirectSense II

Wall Mounting a DirectSense II Multi Gas Probe

Using the DirectSense II Probe’s Snap-Log Button

DirectSense II User Calibration of a Gas; Hardware Version

DirectSense I User Calibration of a Gas; Hardware Version

User Calibration of a Gas; Software Version

Setting up a Tripod Kit for LEED/ WELL Green Building Flush-out Testing

Connecting a PC 3016 Particulate Meter to an AdvancedSense

Differential Pressure Measurements with an AdvancedSense

Assembling and connecting PIT-504 Pitot Tube to an AdvancedSense

Connecting pitot tubes to an AdvancedSense

DSII Probe Installation into Security Case

Setting Up A PCC-10 DSI Single Probe Security Case

Setting Up a PCC-15 DSI Dual Probe Security Case

GrayWolf Security Case (Optional) External Brackets

ACC-TPD-AS Air Velocity Probe Adapter

Changing Batteries on AS-201 and AS-202A Probes

Changing Batteries on DirectSense I Probes

Soft-Reset of an AdvancedSense Meter

Soft-Reset of a WolfPack Monitor

Connect a USB Key to an AdvancedSense Meter

Dual probe adapter for AdvancedSense to DSI (or DSII) probes

User Calibration of DirectSense I RH sensors using a Salt Jar

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