Air Velocity, Volume Airflow Meters
For highly accurate, low-medium range Airspeed Measurement
GrayWolf’s handheld air velocity meters offer among the best accuracy specifications commercially available by mating highly accurate hotwire (thermal) air velocity sensor technology with the incredible capability of mobile and embedded computers, giving you access to the most versatile portable air velocity meters ever available.
- Measures Air Velocity and Temperature.
- Calculates basic Volume Flow Rate in real-time.
- Extremely easy-to-use.
- Patented design eliminates cable pull-thru when extending the telescoping probes (eliminating cable chafing/kinking issues).
- Simple desktop data analysis and reporting with included WolfSense® PC software.
- Highly accurate (±2% rdg.) for thermal comfort applications (measuring “drafts”), clean room apps (HEPA filters), Laboratory Fumehood measurements & more…
- Wide air velocity range (0 – 6000 fpm, 0 – 30 m/s) for duct air flow and diffuser volumetric flow measurement.
- Optional Differential Pressure and Pitot Static Tubes for high-range (and high temperature) air velocity applications.
- Optional software modules for Equal Area and Log-Tchebycheff volumetric flow
calculation, or for fumehood face velocity measurement. - Optional Particle Counts, Relative Humidity Carbon Dioxide, CO and more…
GrayWolf Air Velocity monitors, meters, detectors and instruments efficiently log your data and enable enhanced documentation for your surveys by means of advanced software and the power of mobile computing.
GrayWolf’s telescoping hotwire anemometer probes for accurate, feature packed airspeed testing. The AS-201 probe extends from 14.9″ (38cm) to 31.5″ (80cm) The AS-202A probe telescopes from 21″ (53 cm) collapsed, out to 37″ (94cm) extended, with the top 6″ (15 cm) ratcheting from 180° (for direct duct entry) to 90° (ideal for fume hood and ceiling diffuser/filter measurement) to 45° (storage position).
Example XM and WolfSense PC Screens
Application Notes
Software Modules
Zephyr™XM Digital Manometer
GrayWolf’s Zephyr™XM Digital Manometer offers differential pressure with pitot tube airspeed, air velocity. Click here.
AdvancedSense XM
GrayWolf’s all-new, purpose-built AdvancedSense® XM meters are feature rich. Up to 32 simultaneous parameters connecting multi-sensor DirectSense® II probe(s), in addition to other internal and external sensors (and/or particle meters) via cable and/or Bluetooth. Also use this meter’s Wi-Fi to access all parameters via the cloud.