WolfSense ARG

Advanced Report Generator

Detailed Indoor Air Quality Survey, Toxic Gas Monitoring, LEED v4, EQc4, WELL v1 and other general or specific environmental reports can be generated efficiently for specific site testing. A Report Structure Design Wizard walks the user through report set-up:

  • Define how to display measured data (VOCs, CO2, CO, Ozone, %RH, Formaldehyde, and much more).
  • Select from extensive tech info (such as government and industry guidelines) to include for each parameter.
  • Choose from and edit canned text blocks or just add your own. Select text blocks as “always included” or “prompted for inclusion in specific reports”.
  • Automatically insert notes taken in the field on the GrayWolf meter/mobile PC; text, drawings, photos.
  • Create and insert graphs, in your choice of styles, with comments, alarm/guideline lines.
  • Define data tables to appear in each report in predefined sizes/formats.
  • Add equipment descriptions/specs, probe calibration info, company information/logos and much more.

Copy of sample report​

Simple to Use


Create your report structure
Select from a list of pre-defined report elements and add your own customized report features.


Select your data files
Select your site/location files, check off any prompted text and answer specific questions.


Generate your report
Your report is generated using Microsoft Word or .RTF format. You can edit the data and print your report.

Multiple report structures may be created and stored for varied applications, such as school, hospital, office high-rise, residential or other IAQ surveys. Additional report structures may be constructed for laboratory fumehood, HVAC balancing, worker exposure, LEED 3.2 or other environmental evaluations. Detailed, advanced reports are produced in minutes rather than hours.

Sample WSARG Report

For Detailed Information: