Download the WolfSense Mobile app on an Android or iOS device to view and log readings from GrayWolf’s multi-parameter DirectSense II probes (and/or GrayWolf particulate meters with the WolfRadio-XM module).
These apps allow you to use your smartphone, tablet or other Android/iOS device as a real-time display, data-logger and more. Store “snapshot” logs during walk-thrus or trend logs over time of multiple parameters and/or view trend graphs on your screen. Take advantage of your feature-rich smartphone to add photos, videos, text and audio notes directly to data files for efficient, reliable documentation.
Download the free app from the Google Play or Apple stores now, and you can “demo” the software, viewing simulated readings. Click on Menu/Readings and select either “View IAQ demo mode” or “View TOX demo mode”.
Minimum Requirements:
Click here for more detail.
Optional Advanced Report Generator Software report template/structure builder for automated, detailed reports.
Click here for more detail (and for an example report).
FumeHood Face Velocity Testing Module
Guides the user from airspeed sensor positioning through to a pass/fail report based on user selected criteria (requires AS-201 or AS-202A hotwire air velocity probe).
Click here for more detail.
Duct Flow Calculation Module
Calculates and displays air velocity measurement points, walking the user through a choice of Log-Tchebycheff or Equal Area duct traverses (requires AS-201 or AS-202A hotwire air velocity probe).
Click here for more detail.
Outdoor Air Ventilation Rate Module
Calculate outdoor air (dilution) ventilation rates per person, per area or as an air exchange rate. Choice of CO2 Air Ratio, Tracer Decay and Equilibrium Tracer techniques (requires DirectSense probe with NDIR CO2 sensor installed).
Click here for more detail.
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