Versatile Platforms
- AdvancedSense® Pro Purpose-built Meters
- Rugged Windows Tablets
- Rugged Android Devices
- Your Own Smartphone
- GrayWolfLive® Cloud Software
Each offering extensive features!
Handheld · Desktop · Wall-Mount

When high reliability is essential!
New boxes full of sensors that supposedly measure parameters important for IAQ applications seem to appear every week. Meanwhile previous brands or models that had inadequate sensor technology disappear as quickly. GrayWolf’s primary focus has been IAQ for almost 25 years. We have the platforms and probes, with the sensors that you can depend on. Use GrayWolf as the primary instrumentation for your application, or at minimum, to regularly spot-check lower cost installed sensors.
Contact us to determine the best probe/platform/sensor configuration to meet your specific application(s). Call 1-203-402-0477, e-mail, or fill out a request form at .
GrayWolf’s On-Line Store

Check out GrayWolf’s on-line store which focuses on refurbished GrayWolf probes and meters. All include highly discounted prices and full 1-year warranties. However, a few NEW products are also included, such as:
DSII-5 CORE IAQ Probe Kit for use with your smartphone
PIT-504 Unique extendable Pitot-Static Tube Kit (up to 2m)
Zephyr-LDP Exceptional accuracy Differential Pressure Meter
Detailed Gas Sensor Specs
The most important sensor specifications can be found in GrayWolf’s brochures, such as the IAQ brochure above or the others found at . However, for gas sensors, a more detailed listing is available. GrayWolf’s sensor specifications improve as new sensor technology, enhanced compensation and/or improved calibration procedures are incorporated.
E-mail us at, or call 1-203-402-0477 to request your “Detailed Gas Sensor Specification List”.