GrayWolfLive will be undergoing a site redesign and the new version will automatically be released on Saturday, May 13th at approximately 9am EST. Your GrayWolfLive connected devices will continue to post data to the site; there will not be any lapse in data logging and all existing data will be available on the new site.

The new GrayWolfLive site will have an updated look and new features including:

  • Faster data refresh time from probes and instruments, increasing from 1 minute to every 15 seconds.
  • Probe Groups, allowing the user to organize and display related probes together.
  • Display of Probe Status, Calibration Status and Errors to assist maintaining large fleets of DirectSense II probes and other GrayWolf devices.

Connect More Devices! Want to see PM2.5 and PM10 in the cloud or on your mobile? Add the appropriate WolfRadio-XM module to your existing GrayWolf particulate meter to add Wi-Fi and BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy) for connecting to GrayWolfLive and the WolfSense Mobile app!

GrayWolfLive 3.0 Dashboard
Indoor Air Quality Readings displayed in GrayWolfLive

For Detailed Information: